
Dr Constance Fleuriot is an artist and writer making games/vr/ar etc ~ see Pretty Digital ~ and supporting other women to make games too @grrrlgames in Bristol. She has spent the last couple of years mostly spending time setting up – go check it out – but in 2019 she is focusing again on making her own work.

None of these are terribly lucrative activities but you can help by supporting Constance’s coffee consumption here:

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Her last full-time bout of Academic Activity was at the Digital Cultures Research Centre in Bristol, working on a two-year project to explore the Value/Aesthetics/Language of Pervasive Media. A major output of this work was the Pervasive Media Cookbook that launched in 2012 as a website and appeared in 2014 in print form. Constance was also responsible for an AHRC Connected Communities scoping review, the Keeping In Touch project, which generated a handbook on social media for non-academics and community-based practitioners to utilise research outputs in a more readily understandable and useful form.

She has a lengthy involvement with innovative technologies, both in her own arts practice and also as one of the principal investigators on the Mobile Bristol Project, investigating the social impact of emerging pervasive and mobile technologies.

She was a consultant on the development of the Futurelab createascape website, a resource for pupils and teachers on how to use HPlabs mscape software in an educational setting. She has also worked for Intel Research (Seattle) on a research project looking at teenage girls use of technology.

For several years she has been a freelance consultant in user research and locative media design, facilitating location-based mixed-media projects with a variety of user communities, with a interest in the ethical issues around pervasive media. She was part of an AHRC-funded project on Effectiveness in Social Action, set up to explore why people care enough to take action to make the world a better place.

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